‘Make brick industry environment friendly and child labour free’


Stakeholders have insisted the need to make brick industry tech savvy, environment friendly and child labour free.

At a workshop ‘Labourer-friendly brick industry, brick industry-friendly local governance and policy’ held at Nayamil in Rupandehi on Monday, they underlined the importance of producing competent human resource to get brick industry freed from pollution and child labour.

On the occasion, minister for industry, tourism, forest and environment of State-5, Leela Giri said industries have made the country’s economy dynamic and assured easy loan flow to the brick industry. State Assembly member Dr Krishna Neupane stressed the need to make brick industry technology-friendly and bring it to development mainstream.

Also speaking on the occasion, State Assembly member Nirmala Chhetri, mayor of Shivaraj municipality Netralal Adhikari, acting secretary of ministry of social development Tikaram Aryal and representatives of brick entrepreneurs association highlighted the need to devise public awareness drive to get brick industry freed from child labour.

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