Modernization of agriculture to reduce unemployment: PM Oli


Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said modernization of agriculture was imperative to reduce unemployment in the country.

Modernization of agriculture creates new jobs, so improvement and commercialization in agriculture is present need, he added. Inaugurating the National Labour and Employment Conference 2019 here today, PM Oli said, “Nepal’s agriculture is traditional- production is low, land small and unorganized. So, with modernization, people need to be attracted to agriculture. Agriculture needs to boost industry and trade.” Mentioning that large number of youths was bound to leave the country for lack of jobs here, he urged all concerned to retain youths, creating attractive jobs- dignified work, proper wage. Employment is not a mere occupying in a work but creating jobs for others too, the PM stressed.

According to the PM, time has come for ensuring jobs to the educated people. The educational certificate must be a tool to solve unemployment problem. Education useful to life is essential.

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